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All UNIMAC products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant UNIMAC: washing, drying, barrier machines, ironing rollers, calenders, cabinets
  • Washing machines of the UC, FTUA, FW, NF, UCU series UNIMAC
    Washing machines of the UC, FTUA, FW, NF, UCU series
    UC 30, UC 40, etc.
  • Washing machines UW, HTEX, UST, UFNE, UHM, UW, UWN, UWU UNIMAC
    Washing machines UW, HTEX, UST, UFNE, UHM, UW, UWN, UWU
    UW105, UW130, etc.
  • Washing machines UY, LTUA, UCN, UWT, UX, UYU UNIMAC
    Washing machines UY, LTUA, UCN, UWT, UX, UYU
    UY105, UY135, etc.
  • Machines with vertical loading UNIMAC
    Machines with vertical loading
    UM202 , etc.
  • Drying machines FDE, FD, LS, FDC, FDHP, UDE, UDG, USE, USG UNIMAC
    Drying machines FDE, FD, LS, FDC, FDHP, UDE, UDG, USE, USG
    FDE3 et al.
  • Drying machines PU, UT, UTF UNIMAC
    Drying machines PU, UT, UTF
    PU345, PU490, etc.
  • Drying machines UU UNIMAC
    Drying machines UU
    UU25, UU30, etc.
  • Drying machines UUT UNIMAC
    Drying machines UUT
    UUT30, UUT45, etc.
  • UB Barrier machines UNIMAC
    UB Barrier machines
    UB1100, UB1400, etc.
  • UH Barrier Machines UNIMAC
    UH Barrier Machines
    UH180, UH240, etc.
  • UMB Barrier Machines UNIMAC
    UMB Barrier Machines
    UMB360, UMB500, etc.
  • Ironing rollers of the I25, I10 series UNIMAC
    Ironing rollers of the I25, I10 series
    I25-100, I25-100V, etc.
  • Ironing rollers of the I30, UD, UL series UNIMAC
    Ironing rollers of the I30, UD, UL series
    I30-160, I30-160AV, etc.
  • Ironing calenders FCP, ACL UNIMAC
    Ironing calenders FCP, ACL
    FCP3166, FCP3200, etc.
  • Ironing calenders FCU, FCUR, FCUFF, FCUF UNIMAC
    Ironing calenders FCU, FCUR, FCUFF, FCUF
    FCU1600/500, FCU1664/320, etc.
  • Drying cabinets UNIMAC
    Drying cabinets
    UTGC6EDG44, etc.
  • Ironing Presses UNIMAC
    Ironing Presses
    AT-750, CT-702, etc.
  • Ironing tables UNIMAC
    Ironing tables
    FVC 902, NOVA, etc.
  • Steam generators UNIMAC
    Steam generators
    BR 25, BR 65, etc.
  • Feeders, laundry stackers UNIMAC
    Feeders, laundry stackers
    AVFV30, AVFV33, etc.
  • Centrifuges for laundry UNIMAC
    Centrifuges for laundry
    HE239 et al.


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